
NOTICE OF RISK: Hinge cutting can at times involve substantial risk of injury, property damage, and other damages or dangers. It should be noted that hinge cutting is not an OSHA approved practice, and that those unfamiliar with the technique should avoid felling a tree in this manner. Nation's Creations LLC is not liable for personal injury, property damage, or other damages incurred by those recreating, hunting, traversing, or otherwise attending the property at which hinge cutting is being or has been performed. The property owner, his associates, and those traversing the property assume all liability for injury, property damage, or other damages associated with hinge cutting. Nation's Creations LLC does not guarantee any behavior of wildlife in response to hinge cutting. The customer purchasing a Habitat Hook warrants that all property upon which work is performed is either owned by him/her or that permission for the hinge cutting has been obtained from all invested parties. Nation's Creations is to be held harmless from all claims for damages resulting from the customer's failure to obtain such permission. Customers that allow use of the Habitat Hook by another individual MUST inform that individual(s) of this "Notice of Risk". By purchasing a Habitat Hook, the customer is accepting the terms and conditions above.